Sunday, June 8, 2008

New Generation Students

Age: 17 From: Mae Salong (a Akha village attached to a Chinese town near the Burma border)
School: 3rd year student at the technical school, studying electricity. Currently is working as an intern in Chiang Rai.

AhPaa is a baptised Christian from a Christian family. He has a strong faith in God but still has many questions about what the Bible really says and how it applies to his life. His questions are very good for the group Bible Study Times.
AhPaa has many gifts. He can speak Chinese, Akha, and Thai. He likes to Evangelize, and often asks questions about the best way to approach his friends with the Good News. He is a leader to the other students at New Generation For Christ. He also likes to play guitar and wants to be able to lead worship.

Age: 15 From: Doi Tung (Art's village near the Burma border)
School: 1st year student studying electricity at the technical school

Tevalit comes from a very poor family with 4 brothers and sisters. His family is christian, but do not have a strong faith. Tevalit has not yet made a personal decision to follow Jesus Christ with his life, but he is interested in Jesus and has a good background in what the Bible says and who Jesus is. Even though he is from a poor family, he is a diligent student who is good at math. He passed a special exam that allows him to study at a good school if he desires.
He loves to practice guitar and sing Christian songs.

Age: 17 from: Hooynamkhun village (1 hr from Chiang Rai city)
School: 2nd year student studying electricity at the technical college

Ahsong's family is christian and his brother is a pastor, but Ahsong is not close with his brother. Ahsong is very easy to talk to and is open and honest about what is on his mind. He listens well and responds to instruction well. He is a very good singer and guitar player, but often sings secular songs. Art is slowly teaching him how to worship God with his music so that he can encourage others. He is interested in learning more about God.

Age: 17 from: Hooynamkhun village (1 hr from Chiang Rai city)
School: 2nd year student studying electricity at the technical college

AhNoon is in the same class and from the same village as Ahsong. He is very shy and quiet with new people. He wants to learn the guitar and enjoys singing and studying the Bible with the group. His family is christian.

Age: 15 From: Ban Khaan village (a village with a very strong belief in spirits)
School: 1st year student studying to be a mechanic at the technical college

Aree decided himself that he wanted to come to stay with Art (they have known each other since Art was a dorm leader at his school). His family visited the house and agreed that he can study the Bible with Art. He is interested in the Bible and Christianity but has very little knowledge of what it is all about. Keep Aree in your prayers that his heart will stay open to learning about and from God.

New Generation Staff

Age:25 from: WiangPaPao village
Training: Graduated from the House of Joy Akha Bible College and was staff at the Bible College for 2 years. He currently sits in on the YWAM DTS lectures every weekday morning for additional training.

LawPi is very good at playing and leading worship music. He is very good with the Akha Language and can read and write Akha and also knows many Akha Christian Songs (Most Akha cannot read or write their own language as it was not written down until recently. It is more common for the Akha to learn to read and write Thai if they go to a Thai school).
He is a strong Christian and is good at teaching Christians and encouraging pastors. He is very excited for this opportunity to teach and mentor students.

LawPi needs prayer for a Thai ID card. Because he does not have one, it is very difficult for him to travel in Thailand. If he gets stopped by police for anytime he is outside of his home village he is at risk of getting arrested and spending time in jail. Please pray that he will get his ID card. He has been trying for several years and feels like he is close to being issued one.
LawPi also needs prayer for financial support.